GOD is MORE than Able

God Is More Than Able - Nov/December 2010
by James Wilkins

On October 10, 2010 I received some devastating news. My wife and I was told that we loss our child as a a result of a miscarriage. Receiving that news really hit us hard, but we realized that we had to trust God even more.

God certainly has a way of doing things. Just the night before the miscarriage we had bought our first book to read to the developing baby. It was called The Story of Jesus. Reading that to the developing baby the night before gave me a sense of peace. I was assured that the baby knew about Christ Jesus.

My wife and I may not understand why we loss the baby, but we know that God knows just what He is doing. It certainly has made us even stronger in our marriage, and it certainly has given us more FAITH that God will work out this entire situation. I can see a praise report right now, so just stay tuned.

Our baby was about to be 6 weeks in development and we had a connection with our first child instantly. Some may say well it was just 6 weeks, but as a Christian we know that the baby had a soul, and was significant to us. Just the other day my wife and I was visiting my grandmother and she mentioned to us that the baby that we loss was an angel for the baby that is to come! It was confirmation to us because we had bought an angel some weeks ago as a momento, and purchased an angel wing ornament to put on our Christmas tree each year.

We could have been angry, we could have been in a deep state of depression, but we choose to lean on God who gave us PEACE in our devastation. I want to send encouragement to anyone who has dealt with a miscarriage or miscarriages. Know that God hears your cries, he knows you are hurt, but he has a purpose and plan for your life. Continue to lean on Him, and pray, pray, PRAY. Ask Him to give you peace. He will turn your sadness into pure JOY. Do not be discouraged, but DO TRUST GOD who is your Heavenly Father and the Creator. Everything will work out. Trust me for I can say I have been through that type of pain.

Seeking Direction From God

Seeking Direction From God - September 2010
Jeremiah 6:16
by James Wilkins

So many times we rely on our own understanding when it comes to figuring out how-to or what's next for our lives. It is a natural occurance when we are operating in the flesh. Over the last two months, God has been shifting me into my restoration period and at times it could seem overwhelming! From starting a new job, acquiring new things, establishing new and meaningful Christian friendships, and most exciting marrying Shanell (Foster) on August 7, 2010; alot has been going on for me!

I previously worked at WTKR-TV for 6 years and a few months before I truly realized that God was moving me into another direction. This is as he continues to mold and shape my character as a Minister-in-training, and focus more on Ministry. I have to admit making such a major decision to MOVE FORWARD into the next phase in life and leaving WTKR-TV was difficult, for I knew that moving on would definitely take me out of my comfort zone.

I started working at CBN (Christian Braodcasting Network) on July 19, 2010 with about 10 years of TV experience, but was also faced with challenges. These challenges has allowed me to trust and depend on God for direction. I noticed for myself that in the past - leaning to my own understanding got me nowhere! With belief in my heart and trust in my Heavenly Father, those challenges were faced head on. I now have a sense of COMPLETE confidence in what I do here at CBN!

In no way were those challenges I faced related to a hatefulness towards my new career; in fact it was just the opposite. I LOVE my new career God blessed me with at CBN! Those challenges of learning new things and understanding new procedures was all apart of God's plan of getting His Glory in my new blessing! You see it was by me seeking His direction when I felt I didn't have knowledge about something that God got the Glory. He got it by proving His EXCELLENT WORD and giving me the knowledge and know-how and making things alright!

I am forver grateful for the Holy Spirit! I know that the Holy Spirit leads and guides me in every way-every single day! SEEK OUR HEAVENLY FATHER FOR DIRECTION AND SEE THE AWESOME POWER OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER AT WORK IN YOUR LIFE!!

Check out Jeremiah 6:16 and BE ENCOURAGED!


A Story of Forgiveness

A Story of Forgiveness - August 2010
by James Wilkins

(Matthew 6:15)

I remember hearing the word's come out of my mother's mouth. They were words that premeated deep within. She tried to catch herself after she realized what she was saying, but by that time it was too late.

The words that were spoken was in regards to what some people in my family said about me that was negative. I saw the hurt on my mother's face, and I know it was because of the hurt that she saw in mine. She never wanted me to find out what they had said because she did not want me to hurt. Today I realize it was meant for it to be told, so that God could strengthen me through the POWER OF FORGIVENESS.

At the very beginning I was angry, and depressed. It was until I turned to God that I needed to forgive. I thought of how much God loves us, and how many times he had forgiven me. I then focused on my Walk with Christ and how I am to be a reflection of His character - that included forgiving others!

I choose to forgive, and I have been strengthen by God for doing so! It gave me the strenegth to draw closer to the ones that done me wrong; to establish a good relationship. I am now happier as a result.

I want to say to you - Give our Heavenly Father your hurts and pains that you have been enduring after you have been wronged. Ask God to give you the strength to forgive. Ask Him to give you peace in that situation. It is then you go out and by FAITH forgive those who wronged you. You will notice a better "you" through the POWER OF FORGIVENESS!

The Sacrifice

My Friend,

I can remember when I was younger the joy of Christmas time! As a kid I loved this time of year because I knew I would get gifts! What I didn't know was how much my parents sacrificed to make sure my sister and I had a good Christmas. Times were indeed hard for my parents, but they were determined to put a smile on our faces.

As I grew older and started a walk with Christ - I truly begin to understand the reason for the season. It was about Jesus!!! This meant so much to me, and it has grew my desire to put a smile on His face just like my parents did for me. You see my parents made a sacrifice to show how much they loved us. It wasn't about the gifts, but the sacrifce that came with it! Although they seemed defeated in finances they were able to make a way out of no way!

We need to begin to make a sacrifice with Our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus! Sometimes this Christian walk can seem uncomfortable and sometimes we just want to do what we want to do. But, it is that sacrifice to please Him that will make him smile on you and in turn he will bless you richly!




News Flash! News Flash!


That is what I keep telling myself as I face life's challenges head on. I think of how we do our best to please GOD, be on the right track and all of a sudden BOOM! Someway, somehow the enemy comes charging in like he owns us. I was faced with that a "sudden" burst of adversity over the weekend. Something that I had left behind in 2009, a chapter that had been closed was trying to resurface.

While with the help of the strength GOD gave me within and the support of true Christian brothers and sisters - I was able to see it as what it was - A TRAP to deter me from my successful and progressive closer Walk with Christ. Through all of this I realized just what triggers this closed chapter and what I need to do to prevent it. I also realized that these "tests" will come in an effort to make us stronger and bulid our character.

If your New Year has started and you are already see yourself falling into the same "traps" from the year before, let me encourage you to TAKE CHARGE! Take it from me - I experienced it over the weekend! If I hadn't taken charge, today I could be right back in the same trap! TAKE CHARGE AND BE ENCOURAGED!

You Have the Power Within,
James Wilkins

Your Mission: POSSIBLE!

ExcellentWord Readers,

Last week I had the privilege to talk to several people that are close to me and an encouragement to my Christian walk. I had been going through an issue that I thought had “gone away”, but for some reason it was presenting itself like never before. After talking and praying I realized just what was causing the problem. The enemy was trying to deter me from where GOD was taking me.

I remember back in 2003 when I was told by someone that a white cloud was always following me and that the cloud was anointed. This was confirmed to me again yesterday when I was talking to one of my close friends. He said a glory cloud is over me. This told me that there is a mission with ExcellentWord.com and in my life as a whole that must be fulfilled for GOD’s glory and that this enemy (Satan and his dummies) doesn’t want that to be fulfilled.

Let me encourage you right now. Put all of your trust in GOD, because no matter what if you have a relationship with him he has an awesome plan with your life. As a matter of fact he has an awesome plan for all of our lives if we would just submit to him. I noticed that the more you do for GOD the harder the enemy pushes his tactics your way. But put on the whole armour of GOD so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil. (Eph 6:10-18) Be ye encouraged because you have the POWER to fight the enemy and have the VICTORY!

So the next time you find yourself struggling harder than before – know that GOD has something planned and the enemy is trying to attack. Then laugh and let the enemy know – YOU CAN’T WIN ME BECAUSE I HAVE THE VICTORY THROUGH CHRIST JESUS! Have a great week, and I’ll talk with you again next week!



True Potential

ExcellentWord Readers,

A few days ago one of my best friends told me a story that was told to him about a rubber ducky. He stated that the rubber ducky can represent YOU as you strive to live your life. The rubber ducky when put in a tub or sink full of water floats on the top of the water, and when the duck is pushed down in the water the duck rises back up to the top. This serves as a great encouragement to all of us.

Imagine yourself as the rubber ducky living for Christ. You are living your life, doing what is right and all of a sudden something are someone “pushes” you down. If you weren't the rubber ducky living for Christ you would think about all that has happened to you that was negative, and while you would still “get back up” you would only be a success, and not success FULL of Christ. Now if you are the rubber ducky living for Christ, your FAITH and relationship with Christ should be so strong that when you are “pushed” down you quickly pop back up. Now, unlike the rubber ducky NOT striving to live a life pleasing to GOD; you the ducky striving to live right would know from your FAITH and RELATIONSHIP with Him that you are success FULL of Christ, and if He has your back – NO enemy can destroy you.

You see the key to your success is not about all of your hard work and good deeds; it is about your relationship with Him! Yes your hard work can pay off with some success from society's viewpoint, but you can NEVER truly be happy and FULLfilled without the love of GOD in your heart and your relationship with Him. Trust GOD, love GOD, be with GOD and see how FULLfilled and success FULL you will become. Will you choose to be successfull by walking this Christian journey or will you choose to be a success living for the enemy? I'd say don't be the rubber ducky that doesn't live for Christ.



Rubber Ducky