GOD is MORE than Able

God Is More Than Able - Nov/December 2010
by James Wilkins

On October 10, 2010 I received some devastating news. My wife and I was told that we loss our child as a a result of a miscarriage. Receiving that news really hit us hard, but we realized that we had to trust God even more.

God certainly has a way of doing things. Just the night before the miscarriage we had bought our first book to read to the developing baby. It was called The Story of Jesus. Reading that to the developing baby the night before gave me a sense of peace. I was assured that the baby knew about Christ Jesus.

My wife and I may not understand why we loss the baby, but we know that God knows just what He is doing. It certainly has made us even stronger in our marriage, and it certainly has given us more FAITH that God will work out this entire situation. I can see a praise report right now, so just stay tuned.

Our baby was about to be 6 weeks in development and we had a connection with our first child instantly. Some may say well it was just 6 weeks, but as a Christian we know that the baby had a soul, and was significant to us. Just the other day my wife and I was visiting my grandmother and she mentioned to us that the baby that we loss was an angel for the baby that is to come! It was confirmation to us because we had bought an angel some weeks ago as a momento, and purchased an angel wing ornament to put on our Christmas tree each year.

We could have been angry, we could have been in a deep state of depression, but we choose to lean on God who gave us PEACE in our devastation. I want to send encouragement to anyone who has dealt with a miscarriage or miscarriages. Know that God hears your cries, he knows you are hurt, but he has a purpose and plan for your life. Continue to lean on Him, and pray, pray, PRAY. Ask Him to give you peace. He will turn your sadness into pure JOY. Do not be discouraged, but DO TRUST GOD who is your Heavenly Father and the Creator. Everything will work out. Trust me for I can say I have been through that type of pain.

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