News Flash! News Flash!


That is what I keep telling myself as I face life's challenges head on. I think of how we do our best to please GOD, be on the right track and all of a sudden BOOM! Someway, somehow the enemy comes charging in like he owns us. I was faced with that a "sudden" burst of adversity over the weekend. Something that I had left behind in 2009, a chapter that had been closed was trying to resurface.

While with the help of the strength GOD gave me within and the support of true Christian brothers and sisters - I was able to see it as what it was - A TRAP to deter me from my successful and progressive closer Walk with Christ. Through all of this I realized just what triggers this closed chapter and what I need to do to prevent it. I also realized that these "tests" will come in an effort to make us stronger and bulid our character.

If your New Year has started and you are already see yourself falling into the same "traps" from the year before, let me encourage you to TAKE CHARGE! Take it from me - I experienced it over the weekend! If I hadn't taken charge, today I could be right back in the same trap! TAKE CHARGE AND BE ENCOURAGED!

You Have the Power Within,
James Wilkins

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