A Story of Forgiveness

A Story of Forgiveness - August 2010
by James Wilkins

(Matthew 6:15)

I remember hearing the word's come out of my mother's mouth. They were words that premeated deep within. She tried to catch herself after she realized what she was saying, but by that time it was too late.

The words that were spoken was in regards to what some people in my family said about me that was negative. I saw the hurt on my mother's face, and I know it was because of the hurt that she saw in mine. She never wanted me to find out what they had said because she did not want me to hurt. Today I realize it was meant for it to be told, so that God could strengthen me through the POWER OF FORGIVENESS.

At the very beginning I was angry, and depressed. It was until I turned to God that I needed to forgive. I thought of how much God loves us, and how many times he had forgiven me. I then focused on my Walk with Christ and how I am to be a reflection of His character - that included forgiving others!

I choose to forgive, and I have been strengthen by God for doing so! It gave me the strenegth to draw closer to the ones that done me wrong; to establish a good relationship. I am now happier as a result.

I want to say to you - Give our Heavenly Father your hurts and pains that you have been enduring after you have been wronged. Ask God to give you the strength to forgive. Ask Him to give you peace in that situation. It is then you go out and by FAITH forgive those who wronged you. You will notice a better "you" through the POWER OF FORGIVENESS!

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