The Art of Appreciation

June 14, 2009

Brothers & Sisters,

I remember my first car. It was a 1983 Datsun Maxima! It was given to me by my best friend Norm and his family for $300. The car was born the same year as me, and I absolutely loved it. It had chipped paint, rusty sections of the car, and a half working sunroof. All of those things didn’t matter to me because I learned the value of appreciation. I would just think of all the times I would get up bright and early to make it to the bus stop so I can catch two buses to make it to Norfolk State University by 8am. Thinking of that made me thank GOD for what I had, and all the extra sleep I was getting!

I had 3 months of great rest until the car died. I was back to square one, but I just couldn’t give up. I was disappointed for a little while but I knew that disappointment, complaining, and having pity would not get me far. It was a time in my life (1997 and below) where negativity was a part of me, but thank GOD for change. I got up and did what I had to do. I rode the bus for almost another year but saved some money until I was able to get another car. That car lasted 3 years! I now have a reliable car, and a newer model that is way younger than me! J I had been faithful over the few things and GOD blessed me with more.

Our Heavenly Father definitely holds true to his Word, but we must hold true to our FAITH. You see lacking FAITH, complaining, having pity will NOT get you far. You have to learn to appreciate what you have and make a sacrifice to get to where you want! Although I had to get up at the crack of dawn to get a bus – A had a goal in mind…GO TO SCHOOL! It wasn’t easy, but I knew that that degree would not just magically appear. I knew that those sacrifices would soon pass and it did. Now I know that throughout life I will have to make some sacrifices as GOD continues to lead me in his beautiful artwork which is His will for my life. This is a testimony that YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHICH STENGEGTHS YOU! Hold on, be strong, and remain encouraged because it will get better! Talk with you next week! (I know I have a picture of the car somewhere, I will post when I find it!)



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