Slow Down, Be Proud...

June 7, 2009

Brothers & Sisters,

A few days ago I came across a letter that was written about me. The letter described an event that occurred while working at a local grocery store. I was new at working a job, and was very inexperienced. One night I was opening up boxes that held plastic bags for the customer's groceries. I used a box cutter to open the boxes and was rushing to complete the task so I could be done. Because I was not looking at what I was doing and going at a rapid pace – I ended up cutting my thumb with the box cutter.

I quickly became numb as I looked down at my thumb. The cut was so clean I couldn't feel the pain, but I certainly saw lots of blood. I felt faint and paralyzed. If I hadn't moved my thumb in time it would've been completely detached. If I remember correctly, I was told that I was not even old enough to use the box cutter. When I think about it, our lives are like this. We are rushing through life trying to get all we can, stay up with the latest trends, and put on a "mask" to please others. We are left feeling unworthy, and unsatisfied. We want to be something great in life, but we don't want to have the patience that comes with being successful.

There are too many get rich quick schemes, and strategies to win big, but we seem to lose the big picture. Most of the time, people living that rapidly are not truly happy no matter how much success that possess. You see the race is not given to the swift, but to the one that carries on into the end. Slow down a little, and stop trying to be something you are not. Start trusting GOD to put together your perfect masterpiece (His will) for your life. Slow down and be proud of where you are and trust GOD to move you further like never before, but in his due time! Slow down so you won't end of hurting yourself in the long run. My thumb required five stitches and has healed, but imagine if I had done worse! I may not have a thumb at all! All because I wanted to rush through life! Be encouraged this week, and until next week – Take care!



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