That Creep Named FEAR

June 21, 2009

Growing up my family always watched FOX TV on Saturday nights. “America’s Most Wanted” was the shows of the night. I remember being frightened by the stories being told on the many fugitives that needed to be captured. I always thought they would be in our backyard! I also remember having problems sleeping. Those were the scariest of moments for me in my life. I allowed FEAR to creep in and I felt chained.

This Spirit of Fear creeps in our lives when we know that GOD is pushing us to do something and we fear the worst. We are actually telling GOD that we just don’t have the FAITH to do the task. I learned that FEAR is only False Evidence Appearing Real and that the fear we hold in is only a trick of the enemy. There is a way to let go of that fear and it is by trusting GOD. The Bible says that GOD did not give us the Spirit of Fear but of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Remember that scripture the next time you feel like FEAR is tugging you.

Don’t allow that fear to block the blessings that GOD is trying to give you. Take tasks that you feel GOD is leading you and “JUST DO IT”. I know that it is easy to say and hard to do, but that is what is most fascinating! It’s fascinating because when you decide to TRUST GOD you will see how he can make what seems impossible to you – POSSIBLE! Be encouraged this week! Talk with you next week!



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