Your Mission: POSSIBLE!

ExcellentWord Readers,

Last week I had the privilege to talk to several people that are close to me and an encouragement to my Christian walk. I had been going through an issue that I thought had “gone away”, but for some reason it was presenting itself like never before. After talking and praying I realized just what was causing the problem. The enemy was trying to deter me from where GOD was taking me.

I remember back in 2003 when I was told by someone that a white cloud was always following me and that the cloud was anointed. This was confirmed to me again yesterday when I was talking to one of my close friends. He said a glory cloud is over me. This told me that there is a mission with and in my life as a whole that must be fulfilled for GOD’s glory and that this enemy (Satan and his dummies) doesn’t want that to be fulfilled.

Let me encourage you right now. Put all of your trust in GOD, because no matter what if you have a relationship with him he has an awesome plan with your life. As a matter of fact he has an awesome plan for all of our lives if we would just submit to him. I noticed that the more you do for GOD the harder the enemy pushes his tactics your way. But put on the whole armour of GOD so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil. (Eph 6:10-18) Be ye encouraged because you have the POWER to fight the enemy and have the VICTORY!

So the next time you find yourself struggling harder than before – know that GOD has something planned and the enemy is trying to attack. Then laugh and let the enemy know – YOU CAN’T WIN ME BECAUSE I HAVE THE VICTORY THROUGH CHRIST JESUS! Have a great week, and I’ll talk with you again next week!



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