True Potential

ExcellentWord Readers,

A few days ago one of my best friends told me a story that was told to him about a rubber ducky. He stated that the rubber ducky can represent YOU as you strive to live your life. The rubber ducky when put in a tub or sink full of water floats on the top of the water, and when the duck is pushed down in the water the duck rises back up to the top. This serves as a great encouragement to all of us.

Imagine yourself as the rubber ducky living for Christ. You are living your life, doing what is right and all of a sudden something are someone “pushes” you down. If you weren't the rubber ducky living for Christ you would think about all that has happened to you that was negative, and while you would still “get back up” you would only be a success, and not success FULL of Christ. Now if you are the rubber ducky living for Christ, your FAITH and relationship with Christ should be so strong that when you are “pushed” down you quickly pop back up. Now, unlike the rubber ducky NOT striving to live a life pleasing to GOD; you the ducky striving to live right would know from your FAITH and RELATIONSHIP with Him that you are success FULL of Christ, and if He has your back – NO enemy can destroy you.

You see the key to your success is not about all of your hard work and good deeds; it is about your relationship with Him! Yes your hard work can pay off with some success from society's viewpoint, but you can NEVER truly be happy and FULLfilled without the love of GOD in your heart and your relationship with Him. Trust GOD, love GOD, be with GOD and see how FULLfilled and success FULL you will become. Will you choose to be successfull by walking this Christian journey or will you choose to be a success living for the enemy? I'd say don't be the rubber ducky that doesn't live for Christ.



Rubber Ducky

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