Truly Blessed...

The week is off to a good start! I fellowshipped with one of my new Christian brothers today at Red Lobster and really enjoyed it! It really felt like we have known each other for years! I'm a very firm believer that GOD puts people in your life for a reason, and I know this friendship will help us both advance in GOD's will. It makes me happy to be a follower of Christ because GOD blesses you with some good people that become lifelong friends.

On top of the new friendship I'm excited that my mother got the chance to go on vacation for about 3 weeks. She has some ailments that require some attention, but I'm proud of the fact that she is standing strong and trusting GOD! She truly deserved the vacation!! I had to get on her though because she never called me when she arrived in Florida 3 days ago. I was worried, but ensured by my step-father and sister that she was fine. How did they know? Hmm, she called them!! LOL! What in the world. I finally got in touch with her through Yahoo Messenger and she said that she was ok, and that her cell phone (N-Telos) was not working in that area. Go figure...I've heard so many stories about N-Telos and there weren't good! I told her to ditch that phone company when she returns; she seemed to agree!

Today my thoughts focused on the attitudes of some people and wondered "will they ever change?" I realize that you cannot change people, but you certainly get tired of dealing with nasty attitudes, and people who are your friend one day and not the next! It truly is something to deal with, but I'm proud of the fact that eliminating them from my circle of friends is not as hard as times past. Well thats enough for now...

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