Seeking Direction From God

Seeking Direction From God - September 2010
Jeremiah 6:16
by James Wilkins

So many times we rely on our own understanding when it comes to figuring out how-to or what's next for our lives. It is a natural occurance when we are operating in the flesh. Over the last two months, God has been shifting me into my restoration period and at times it could seem overwhelming! From starting a new job, acquiring new things, establishing new and meaningful Christian friendships, and most exciting marrying Shanell (Foster) on August 7, 2010; alot has been going on for me!

I previously worked at WTKR-TV for 6 years and a few months before I truly realized that God was moving me into another direction. This is as he continues to mold and shape my character as a Minister-in-training, and focus more on Ministry. I have to admit making such a major decision to MOVE FORWARD into the next phase in life and leaving WTKR-TV was difficult, for I knew that moving on would definitely take me out of my comfort zone.

I started working at CBN (Christian Braodcasting Network) on July 19, 2010 with about 10 years of TV experience, but was also faced with challenges. These challenges has allowed me to trust and depend on God for direction. I noticed for myself that in the past - leaning to my own understanding got me nowhere! With belief in my heart and trust in my Heavenly Father, those challenges were faced head on. I now have a sense of COMPLETE confidence in what I do here at CBN!

In no way were those challenges I faced related to a hatefulness towards my new career; in fact it was just the opposite. I LOVE my new career God blessed me with at CBN! Those challenges of learning new things and understanding new procedures was all apart of God's plan of getting His Glory in my new blessing! You see it was by me seeking His direction when I felt I didn't have knowledge about something that God got the Glory. He got it by proving His EXCELLENT WORD and giving me the knowledge and know-how and making things alright!

I am forver grateful for the Holy Spirit! I know that the Holy Spirit leads and guides me in every way-every single day! SEEK OUR HEAVENLY FATHER FOR DIRECTION AND SEE THE AWESOME POWER OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER AT WORK IN YOUR LIFE!!

Check out Jeremiah 6:16 and BE ENCOURAGED!


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