I Think I Can!

May 31, 2009

Brothers & Sisters,

I'm sitting here at 2:27 AM/ET thinking about all that GOD has done for me. It is almost unbelievable where GOD has placed me based on my past issues. I remembered that years ago I could've been dead, but I am still here. I cannot help but rejoice in knowing that He has kept me. Today I sit as Founder of a vision that GOD had given me in 2006; I sit as President and CEO of Excellent Word, LLC. I mention that only because it is a reminder of how I used to be, and how I've changed. If I had not changed my way of thinking ExcellentWord.com would not exist, or maybe GOD would have gave the vision to someone else – I don't know.

My mind has taking back to 1998 when I met my best-friend's dad. I didn't know any of them until 1998, but his father (Norman Prioleau, Sr.) saw fit to hold conversations with me while at church. One day he asked me if I had a job, and I responded that I didn't in a negative way. I didn't have enough faith that I could get a job. That same day after church, Mr. Prioleau sat me aside and talked to me for a long time about GOD, being positive and believing in myself. After the conversation, he reached in his pocket and pulled out $20. He then gave me the money and said: “This is how much I believe in you, now go get that job.” With that one conversation my life was changed for the better. I got my first job that same week, and I have not stopped TRUSTING GOD ever since!

Throughout the years, Mr. Prioleau took me in as his son and taught me and my best-friend different life lessons and the value of having goals in life. To this day I cannot seem to forget that conversation. I was headed to a road of failure based off my mindset. I was so negative that I didn't even realize it! I wonder where I would've ended up today May 31, 2009 with that negative attitude. I know it would not be what it is today! Let this be a lesson to you: When you find yourself saying “I CAN'T” STOP in your tracks, and restate “I CAN!” Activate your FAITH today, trusting GOD. If you trust GOD, you should naturally have a positive attitude! If we have a negative attitude then we are surely not trusting GOD! I pray that each one of you reading this have a blessed week! Be sure to join me next week as I share another inspiring moment!


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